
OST - Lineage II [2009, Soundtrack, MP3]

OST - Lineage II
Формат: MP3, tracks, 192-320kbps [VBR]
Год выпуска: 2009
Страна: Корея
Жанр: Soundtrack
Продолжительность: 08:56:46
Battle Themes

1. March of Heroes
2. Battle at Sundown
3. Final Conflict
4. Hail the Victor
5. Final Crisis
6. Battle at the Gates
7. The Enemy Warlord Appears
8. Enemy Within
9. Broken Sword
10. Sand and Blood
11. The dark souls
12. Resuscitation
13. Golden Flame
14. B01 S01
15. B01 S02
16. B02 S01
17. B02 S02
18. B03 S01
19. B03 S02
20. B04 S01
21. B04 S02
22. B05 S02
23. B06 S01
24. B06 S02
25. B07 S01
26. B08 F
27. B08 S01
28. B08 S02
29. BS02 D
30. BS04 D
31. BS05 A
32. BS05 d

Christmas Themes

1. Xmas Special Theme
2. Waiting for The Gifts
3. SnowFlake
4. Special Night
5. Xmas Dance Party
6. Friends around the Table

Dungeon Themes

1. Hall of Mists
2. Abyssal Gathering
3. Temple of the Moon
4. Cruma marshlands
5. Deep fog
6. Ominous Visitors
7. Fortune of Flame
8. The Necropolis
9. D01 S01
10. D01 S02
11. D02 S01
12. D02 S02
13. D03 S01
14. D03 S02
15. D04 S01
16. D04 S02
17. D05 S01
18. D05 S02
19. D06 S01
20. D06 S02
21. D07 S01
22. D07 S02

Field Themes

1. Haunted Earth
2. Forsaken Catacombs
3. Strange Stairs
4. Dark Congregation
5. Ghost Trail
6. Lair of the Beast
7. Spring Awakening
8. Uncharted Island
9. Lady of the Lake
10. Valley of Tears
11. Misty Rain
12. Winter's Lament
13. Far Recollections
14. Shilien's Lake
15. Grain Kain's Statue
16. Union for Battle
17. Ancient Ruins
18. Green Valley
19. The lady in water
20. F01 S01
21. F02 S01
22. F03 S01
23. F04 S01
24. F05 S01
25. F06 S01
26. F07 S01
27. F08 S01
28. F09 S01
29. F10 S01
30. F11 S01
31. F12 S01
32. F13 F
33. F14 S01
34. F15 S01
35. F16 S01
36. F17 S01

Intro Outro Themes

1. After the Storm
2. The Call of Destiny
3. Lust (no vox)

Special Themes

1. Alone in dungeon
2. Ambush
3. Above the Evil
4. Knight Errant
5. Enchanted Dreams
6. Tree of Life
7. Lamentation of the Goddess
8. Heroic Fanfare
9. Conspiracy
10. Sanctuary of Light
11. Black Armada
12. Dwarven Drinking Song
13. Glory to Our People
14. Pledge of Blood
15. Threads of Fate
16. Homebound
17. Sounds of Past
18. Temple of the Magicians
19. Witch's Store
20. Special offer
21. The Apprentice
22. Bring more beer
23. Teaching the Novice
24. The SunRise
25. Forge of the Gods
26. Cursed Village
27. Snowfield Dawn
28. Dark Fortress
29. Green Valley
30. Passing the Gates
31. Reflections
32. Blunts & Spears
33. Siege Victory
34. The Way of Heroes
35. Rise of Darkness
36. Lionna's Theme
37. Thief's Celebration
38. Tower of Oman
39. S01 S01
40. S02 S01
41. S03 S01
42. S04 S01
43. S05 S01
44. S06 S01
45. S07 S01
46. S08 S01
47. S09 S01
48. S10 S01
49. S11 S01
50. S12 S01
51. S13 S01
52. S17 D
53. S17 L
54. S19 L
55. S21 S01
56. S21 S02
57. S22 S01
58. S23 S01
59. S24 S01
60. S26 S01
61. S28 F
62. S29 F
63. S29 S01
64. S Pirate

Town Themes

1. Age of Splendor
2. Aria's Theme
3. Harvest Celebration
4. PVP Battle
5. Ceriel's Theme
6. The Explorer
7. Battlefield at Daybreak
8. Lust - [Interlude Op]
9. Shakdun's Theme
10. Knighting Ceremony
11. Deep Shadows
12. Shepard's Flute
13. Dance at the Festival
14. Unicorn's Rest
15. Southern Vineyard
16. Merchant Ships from the East
17. Caravans Crossing
18. Crossroad at Dawn
19. Lovers Reunited
20. Forest Calling
21. Gathering Armies
22. Expedition March
23. Island Village
24. Singing Island
25. Autumn Festival
26. Knights' Return
27. Forest Dawn
28. Witch Village
29. Joy of Harvest
30. Reunion
31. Exotic Marketplace
32. Set the Sails
33. Road of Kings
34. Sea of Silence
35. Hunter's Feast
36. Ascension of the Lion
37. Home of Winds
38. Borderlands
39. Night at the Oasis
40. Test of Lords
41. Tribe of the Bear
42. Flight of Wyverns
43. Forge and Hammer
44. Festival at Sundown
45. Priest of the Abyss
46. Bird's Melody
47. Iron Cavalry
48. T01 S01
49. T02 S01
50. T03 S01
51. T04 S01
52. T05 S01
53. T06 S01
54. T07 S01
55. T08 S01
56. T09 S01
57. T10 S01
58. T11 S01
59. T12 S01
60. T13 S01
61. T14 S01
62. T15 S01
63. T16 S01
64. T17 S01
65. T18 S01
66. T19 S01
67. T20 S01
68. T21 S01
69. T22 S01
70. T23 F
71. T23 S01
72. T24 F
73. T25 S01

Fantasy Island Themes

1. Eva's Festival
2. Lotto winner's luck
3. Theme park overture
4. Marching with a kitty
5. The valos festival
6. Wavy Flames
7. Star studded night


1. br music theme park
2. br music Town
3. br music Hero
4. SSQ03 F
5. LS05 F
6. SSQ04 F
7. SSQ05 F
8. SSQ01 F
9. SSQ06 F
10. SSQ02 F
11. SSQ07 F


1. Battle Spirit
2. The Last march of Kamael
3. Revelation
4. Origin of the tribe
5. Blood moon's guidance
6. Return to the old continent
7. Black winter sky
8. Finding genesis
9. Free from flight
10. Under the explorer's sun
11. Ageless Civilization
12. Beyond the realm
13. Gate to the eternal temple
14. Across the sea of promise
15. Battle Rage
16. Greatest Challenge
17. Reincarnation of tragedy
18. Apocalyptic divine evil
19. Fury of the victims
20. Savage blow
21. With soul and Victorious Weapons
22. Sign a Deal with the Devil
23. Echoes of The Abyss
24. Divine right of demons
25. Garden of carcass
26. The black monk
27. Dragon's sorcery
28. The Conqueror
29. Curse of dragon
30. The final decisive battle
31. Conquer the abyss
32. Witching Hour
33. Abandoned
34. Summon the darkness
35. The Fear of Battle
36. Charge Towards Enemy
37. Praise the Victorious Knight
38. The Rise of Kamael
39. Dream come true
40. Mourn the death of a comrade
41. Maiden's Love
42. Infernal wings
43. Counter Attack
44. Exiledbirds
45. The magoot queen
46. Crisis in the dead angle
47. Through the atmospheric force
48. Edge of the chronicle
49. Over the Subterraen twilight
50. Revelation from the unknown
51. Sentinels around the seed
52. The Beginning of Gracia
53. Uprising against the tyrant
54. March to Death
55. Mourn the death of a comrade
56. The light come from the blood moon
57. BS07 D
58. BS08 D
59. BS09 A
60. BS09 D
61. BS10 A
62. BS10 D
63. BS11 A
64. BS11 D
65. EV 01
66. EV 02
67. EV 03
68. EV 04
69. GS01 Orc
70. GS01 Win
71. GS02 Per
72. GS02 SC1
73. GS02 Win
74. GS03 Solo
75. GS03 Win
76. GS04 SC1
77. GS05 Per
78. GS06 SC1
79. GS07 Per
80. GS08 Per
81. GS08 Win
82. GS09 Win
83. GS10 Win
84. HB01
85. LS04 F
86. NB03 SC1
87. NB04 F
88. NB04 SC2
89. NB06 SC1
90. NB06 SC2
91. NB07 SC1
92. NB07 SC2
93. NB07 SC3
94. NB08 SC3
95. NB10 F
96. NB10 SC1
97. NB10 SC2
98. ND06 F
99. ND07 F
100. ND08 S01
101. ND09 S01
102. ND10 S01
103. ND11 S01
104. ND12 S01
105. ND13 S01
106. ND14 S01
107. ND15 S01
108. NF01 F
109. NF02 S01
110. NF03 F
111. NF05 F
112. NS02 S01
113. NS12 S01
114. NS18 S01
115. NS19 S01
116. NT01 F
117. NT Gracia
118. Rm01 S
119. SF02 SC1
120. SF03 SC1
121. SF06 F
122. SF07 SC1
123. SF08 Per
124. SF09 F

Oath of Blood

1. Dream Of Peace
2. Young Knight`s Bravery
3. Depression
4. Tragic Love
5. Vengeance
6. Lonely Wolf
7. Joyous Festival
8. Dark Conspiracy
9. Falsely Accused
10. Swear Fealty to the King
11. Sorrow & Revenge
12. The Chasing in Darkness
13. Hideous Witch`s Curse
14. The Demon Reveals Itself
15. Shout Of Victory
16. Mysterious Cave
17. Attack of the Undead
18. A Hero Someday
19. Black Mass of Demon Worshippers
20. Eternal Love
21. Behind the mountain
22. Burning hatred
23. Duel at Abyss Temple
24. Feast celebrating victory
25. Friendship between old friends
26. To the evil's cathedral
Музыка / Саундтреки / Разное

Поделитесь Р В Р Р‹Р В РЎвЂњР В Р’ Р вЂ Р В РЎвЂўР В РЎвЂ˜Р В РЎВ˜ Р В Р’ РЎВ˜Р В Р вЂ¦Р В Р’µР Р…ием


OST Lineage II [2003, Sountrack, MP3]

Формат: MP3, tracks, 128-192kbps
Год выпуска: 2003
Страна: Республика Корея, США, Россия
Жанр: Soundtrack
Продолжительность: 01:22:37
РаскрытьТреклист: 01 Hall of Mists 02 Abyssal Gathering 03 Temple of the Moon 04 Fortune of Flame 05 Ominous Visitors 06 Haunted Earth 07 Forsaken Catacomb 08 Strange Stairs 09 Dark Congregation 10 Ghost Trail 11 Lair of the Beast 12 Spring Awakening 13 Uncharted Island 14 Lady of the Lake 15 Valley of Tears 16 Misty Rain 17 Winter's Lament 18 The Call of Destiny 19 After the Storm 20 March of Heroes 21 Battle at Sundown 22 Final Conflict 23 Hail the Victor 24 K ...


OST Хеллбой II: Золотая армия / Hellboy II: The Golden Army (Danny Elfman) [2008, Саундтрек]

Формат: MP3, tracks, 320kbps
Год выпуска: 2008
Страна: США
Жанр: Саундтрек
Продолжительность: 00:59:35
Описание: 01. Introduction [3:38] 02. Hellboy II Titles [1:18] 03. Training [1:50] 04. The Auction House [2:28] 05. Hallway Cruise [1:35] 06. Where Fairies Dwell [4:17] 07. Teleplasty [1:21] 08. Mein Herring [1:05] 09. Father And Son [6:02] 10. A Link [1:30] 11. A Troll Market [1:21] 12. Market Troubles [3:41] 13. A Big Decision [1:10] 14. The Last Elemental [4:11] 15. The Spear [1:47] 16. A Dilemma [2:55] 17. Doorway [3:35] 18. A Choice [3:58] 19. In The Army Chamber [5:47] 20. Finale [6:06]


OST - Мafia II/Мафия II [2010, Jazz, Soundtrack, MP3]

Формат: MP3, tracks, 320kbps
Год выпуска: 2010
Страна: All Word
Жанр: Jazz, Soundtrack
Продолжительность: 05:13:55
Описание: Треклист 1. Louis Jordan and His Tympany Five - Ain't That Just Like a Woman (They'll Do it Every Time) (2:49) 2. Louis Jordan and His Tympany Five - Caldonia Boogie (2:39) 3. Louis Jordan & His Tympany Five - Choo Choo Ch'boogie (2:40) 4. Gatemouth Moore - Did You Ever Love A Woman (2:46) 5. Cabell Calloway - Everybody Eats When They Come To My House (2:43) 6. Louis Jordan and His Tympany Five - Friendship (2:19) 7. Peetie Wheatstraw - Gangster's Blues (2:43) 8. Louis J ...


OST - Синистер II / Sinister II [2015, Score, MP3]

Формат: MP3, tracks, 320kbps
Год выпуска: 2015
Страна: США
Жанр: Score
Продолжительность: 00:59:49
Описание: 01. It Begins [01:25] 02. Gum Shoe [02:06] 03. Groceries [01:36] 04. Pins [02:21] 05. Milo’s Place [02:51] 06. Digging [02:56] 07. Lap Top [01:44] 08. Sleep Walk [02:21] 09. Church [02:06] 10. Spider [02:42] 11. Photos [01:33] 12. Like Kids [01:34] 13. Same Deal [01:18] 14. Rare [04:01] 15. All Of You [02:12] 16. Bae Bae Lille Lam (feat. Paul Hackner) [00:24] 17. Red Dream [01:01] 18. Zack [02:46] 19. Dentist [01:08] 20. Come Home [01:54] 21. Dinner [01:49] 22. Danger [01:23] 23. Movi ...


OST - Dragon Age II [2011, Score, MP3]

Формат: MP3, tracks, 320kbps
Год выпуска: 2011
Страна: USA
Жанр: Score
Продолжительность: 01:16:06
Описание: Tracklist01. Dragon Age 2 Main Theme 02. Hawke Family Theme 03. Qunari on the Rise 04. Templars 05. Love Scene 06. Arishok 07. Tavern Music 08. Viscount 09. Mages 10. Fenris Theme 11. Kirkwall Nights 12. Rogue Heart 13. Dark Dawn 14. Blightlands 15. Innocent Blood 16. Bone Pit Battle 17. Enter Deep Roads 18. Cavern Combat 19. Forever War 20. Deep Roads Battle 21. Journey to Deep Fear 22. Kirkwall Arrival 23. Hero Combat 24. Kirkwall Town Act 2 Exploration 25. Kirkwall Town Act 2 Qunar ...


OST Dragon Age II [08.03.2011, Soundtracks, MP3]

Формат: MP3, tracks, 320kbps
Год выпуска: 08.03.2011
Страна: All World
Жанр: Soundtracks
Продолжительность: 00:29:40
Описание: 01. Dragon Age 2 Main Theme (02:03) 02. Hawke Family Theme (02:00) 03. Qunari On The Rise (02:04) 04. Templars (02:52) 05. Love Scene (01:39) 06. Arishok (02:54) 07. Tavern Music 02:11) 08. Viscount (01:29) 09. Mages (02:13) 10. Fenris Theme (02:26) 11. Kirkwall Nights (04:32) 12. Rogue Heart (03:12)
Доп. информация: Сборник представлен группой:


OST - Викинги 2 / Vikings II [2014, Score, MP3]

Формат: MP3, tracks, 320kbps
Год выпуска: 2014
Страна: Canada
Жанр: Score
Продолжительность: 01:17:52
Описание: Раскрыть01 War Is Coming 02 Battle of Brothers 03 Bjorn's Choice 04 Vikings Return Home 05 Rollo's Trial 06 Ragnar Says Goodbye to Gyda 07 Rollo Tries to Regain Ragnar's Trust 08 Vikings Attacked 09 Jarl Borg Attacks Kattegat 10 Ragnar Reunites With Family 11 Ragnar, Bjorn Sneak Into Kattegat 12 Battle for Kattegat 13 Jarl Borg and Ragnar Make Peace 14 Aslaug In Pain 15 Ragnar Describes the Blood Eagle 16 Ragnar Meets Ingstad 17 Aslaug Gives Birth 18 Athelwulf Is A ...


OST - Sonic Mayhem - Quake II (Original Game Soundtrack) [1997, Soundtrack, FLAC]

Формат: FLAC, tracks, lossless
Год выпуска: 1997
Страна: All World
Жанр: Soundtrack
Продолжительность: 00:27:20
Описание: 1. Operation Overlord 2. Rage 3. Kill Ratio 4. March of the Stroggs 5. The Underworld 6. Quad Machine 7. Big Gun 8. Decent into Cerberon 9. Climb (by Jer Sypult) 10. Showdown (by Bill Brown)
Доп. информация: LOGExact Audio Copy V0.99 prebeta 5 from 4. May 2009 EAC extraction logfile from 21. September 2010, 16:32 Sonic Mayhem / Quake II Used drive : HL-DT-STDVDRAM GH20LS10 Adapter: 0 ID: 0 Read mode : Secure Utilize accurate stream : Yes Defeat audio cache : Yes Make us ...


OST - Sonic Mayhem - Quake II (Original Game Soundtrack) [1997, Soundtrack, MP3]

Формат: MP3, tracks, 320kbps
Год выпуска: 1997
Страна: All World
Жанр: Soundtrack
Продолжительность: 00:27:20
Описание: 1. Operation Overlord 2. Rage 3. Kill Ratio 4. March of the Stroggs 5. The Underworld 6. Quad Machine 7. Big Gun 8. Decent into Cerberon 9. Climb (by Jer Sypult) 10. Showdown (by Bill Brown)


OST StarCraft II: Wings Of Liberty [2010, Soundtrack, MP3]

Формат: МP3, tracks, 320kbps CBR
Год выпуска: 2010
Страна: США
Жанр: Soundtrack
Продолжительность: 01:07:13
Описание: 01. Wings Of Liberty 02. Public Enemy 03. Heaven's Devils 04. The Deal 05. Escape From Mar Sara 06. Zeratul's Warning 07. The Prophecy 08. Firstborn 09. I, Mengsk 10. Better Tomorrow 11. Card To Play 12. The Hive 13. Fire And Fury 14. The Showdown


OST - Jesper Kyd - Darksiders II (Original Soundtrack) [2012, Soundtrack, FLAC]

Формат: FLAC, (tracks + .cue), lossless
Год выпуска: 2012
Страна: All World
Жанр: Soundtrack
Продолжительность: 01:17:32
Описание: ТреклистDisc 1 01 The Makers Theme 4:21 02 Into Eternity 4:46 03 Makers in the Outlands 2:43 04 Story of the Makers 2:11 05 The Corruption 5:14 06 The Makers Overworld 2:27 07 The Makers Fight Back 1:36 08 The Floating City 2:10 09 Crystal Spire 2:48 10 Trouble in Eden 4:06 11 Stains of Heresy 1:33 12 The Abyssal Plains 2:05 13 The Rod of Arafel 1:14 14 The Crowfather 2:31 Disc 2 01 The Dead Plains 3:22 02 The Plains Await 2:13 03 Supernatural Desert 3:55 04 The E ...


OST - Jesper Kyd - Darksiders II (Original Soundtrack) [2012, Soundtrack, MP3]

Формат: MP3, tracks, 320kbps
Год выпуска: 2012
Страна: All World
Жанр: Soundtrack
Продолжительность: 01:17:32
Описание: ТреклистDisc 1 01 The Makers Theme 4:21 02 Into Eternity 4:46 03 Makers in the Outlands 2:43 04 Story of the Makers 2:11 05 The Corruption 5:14 06 The Makers Overworld 2:27 07 The Makers Fight Back 1:36 08 The Floating City 2:10 09 Crystal Spire 2:48 10 Trouble in Eden 4:06 11 Stains of Heresy 1:33 12 The Abyssal Plains 2:05 13 The Rod of Arafel 1:14 14 The Crowfather 2:31 Disc 2 01 The Dead Plains 3:22 02 The Plains Await 2:13 03 Supernatural Desert 3:55 04 The Eternal Thro ...


OST - Gears Of War I-II [2007-2008, Score, MP3]

Формат: MP3, tracks, 320kbps
Год выпуска: 2007-2008
Страна: USA
Жанр: Score
Продолжительность: 02:11:05
Описание: Gears Of War, 320kbps, Kevin Riepl
Жанр: Score
Год выпуска: 2007
Композиторы: Kevin Riepl
Продолжительность: 01:09:23 Tracklist 01. Gears Of War 02. 14 Years After E-Day 03. Jacinto Prison 04. Attack Of The Drones 05. Embry Square 06. Fish In A Barrel 07. House Of Sovereigns 08. Minh's Death 09. Entering The Tombs 10. Tomb Of The Unknowns 11. Ephyra Streets I 12. Ephyra Streets II 13. Miserable Wretches 14. Stay In The Light 15. Chap's Gas Station 16. Fill 'Er Up At Chap's 17. ...


OST - Assassin's Creed II [2009, Soundtrack, MP3]

Формат: MP3, tracks, 320kbps
Год выпуска: 2009
Страна: USA
Жанр: Soundtrack
Продолжительность: 01:53:02
Описание: Треклист Disc 1: 1. Earth 2. Venice Rooftops 3. Ezio's Family 4. Florence Tarantella 5. Home In Florence 6. Approaching Target 1 7. Approaching Target 2 8. Venice Fight 9. Florence Escape 10. Tour Of Venice 11. Flight Over Venice 1 12. Back In Venice 13. Dream Of Venice 14. Home Of The Brotherhood 15. Leonardo's Inventions Pt 1 16. Venice Combat Low 17. Venice Escape Disc 2: 1. Darkness Falls In Florence 2. Sanctuary 3. The Madam 4. Approaching The Target 3 5. Flight Over Venice 2 ...


OST - Danny Elfman, Russell Shaw - Fable II (Original Soundtrack) [2008, Soundtrack, MP3]

Формат: MP3, tracks, 320kbps
Год выпуска: 2008
Страна: All World
Жанр: Soundtrack
Продолжительность: 00:46:50
Описание: 01 Fable Theme 1:43 02 Old Town 3:02 03 Bowerstone Cemetery 3:59 04 Bowerlake 6:23 05 Wraithmarsh 4:09 06 Fairfax Castle 2:26 07 Westcliff 3:45 08 Oakfield 3:38 09 Bowerstone Market 4:29 10 Shadow of Evil 4:27 11 Howling Halls 4:29 12 Marcus Memorial 2:46